





Getting to Know Us Better

As one of the pioneers in the development of information technology and telecommunications in Indonesia, Cyberplus has been catering to the internet service needs and bridging data communication for over a hundred companies in Indonesia. Throughout our sixteen years of existence, we have consistently played a role in the growth of many companies that have become our clients.

Our Internet services streamline workflow and information dissemination within the internal operations of our client companies. We integrate and encrypt internal data communications in our client companies using secure VPN methods. We also connect all branches and units of our client companies located in remote areas using both wired and satellite networks (VSAT).

To this day, we continue to support our clients in modernizing their businesses, ensuring that they remain competitive in the era of Industry 4.0 dominated by digitally-driven automation systems.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


Excellent Service

we always update the technology we are using and consider redundancy is very important in designing our network to achieve the best service possible for our customers. With 99% of Service Level Agreement (SLA), we are confident in our services.

Excellent Value

Our products and services are built specifically so that our customers can get the maximum value of these products & services. We uphold customer satisfaction regarding products and services very highly by treating our customers as our partners.

Excellent People

Right on target, friendly, passionate in serving customers, with integrity, and always innovating in providing the best service to customers as our PARTNER. Our team consists of young professionals and experienced experts who are well versed in their fields.

Businesss Segment

Internet & Network Solution

Internet Service

Internet Service for various needs, both personal, MSMEs, Corporates, and Government. The use of flexible media (Fiber Optic, Wireless, and V-Sat) supported by best-in-class infrastructure, we guarantee network availability and customer satisfaction levels with SLA up to 99%.


Jaringan fisik Point-to-Point / Point-to-Multipoint serta jaringan virtual non-fisik untuk menghubungkan beberapa lokasi yang berjauhan ke dalam satu jaringan. Baik lokasi-lokasi tersebut berada dalam satu kota yang sama ataupun berada di luar kota / pulau.


Perancangan, instalasi dan maintenance infrastruktur LAN dan WLAN / WIFI perusahaan Anda dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan, budget dan tujuan perusahaan mengadakan infrastruktur tersebut. 

Data Center

Layanan VPS dan Colocation di data center berstandar internasional dengan pilihan level mulai dari Tier Dua s/d Tier Empat.

Selain VPS dan Colocation, kami juga menyediakan jasa merancang dan membangun solusi data center untuk berbagai kebutuhan. 

IoT & Automation

Smart Solutions

Automation of various interconnected objects that can communicate in multiple directions with other objects or with data centers (servers). With the help of sensors in Smart Devices, the consumption of resources (electricity, gas, and liquid) will be much more efficient and well managed.

Automatic Meter Reading

AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) System adalah teknologi monitoring dan pengumpulan data otomatis  dari penggunaan dan/atau distribusi sumber daya listrik/gas/liquid untuk berbagai kebutuhan seperti analisa, penagihan (billing), keamanan, efisiensi bahan bakar dan lain-lain.

Tracking & Monitoring

Lacak keberadaan aset-aset perusahaan secara real-time dan pantau status terkini aset-aset tersebut (termasuk status level bahan bakar pada aset-aset bergerak) langsung dari perangkat di genggaman tangan Anda.

IoT Network

Solusi jaringan privat untuk kebutuhan IoT Anda tanpa harus membangun infrastruktur jaringan. Jangkauan Gateway s/d 15km serta dapat terhubung ke jaringan internet untuk komunikasi antar lokasi yang berjauhan. Mendukung keamanan serta kapasitas / lalu-lintas data tinggi untuk jutaan perangkat IoT.

IT Solution & Website Development

Website Development

Disain dan Pengembangan situs web yang disesuaikan dengan bisnis dan pasar yang ditarget perusahaan Anda. Teknik Optimasi Mesin Pencari (SEO) kami memastikan Anda mampu bersaing dan melampaui kompetitor Anda. Perpaduan antarmuka pengguna yang elegan dan Responsif serta interaktif membantu Anda memaksimalkan tingkat konversi. 

Corporate Email Solution

Alternatif email server untuk menekan biaya berlangganan email bisnis bulanan bagi Anda yang memiliki ratusan s/d ribuan pengguna email aktif di perusahaan Anda. Dengan layanan ini, Anda dapat memiliki ribuan akun email bisnis dengan biaya sangat terjangkau.

ERP for Enterprise

Konsultasikan kebutuhan perusahaan Anda akan Program ERP kepada team expert kami. Mulai dari fitur / fungsi, alur kerja sistem, biaya pengembangan dan infrastruktur, sampai dengan pengembangan jangka panjang.

ERP + LMS for Education

LMS (Learning Management System) / E-Learning untuk mendistribusikan dan mengelola konten materi pelajaran, dipadukan dengan ERP System untuk mengelola sebuah organisasi baik profit maupun non-profit (Bisnis / Perusahaan). Sangat tepat untuk diimpelemtasikan pada sekolah-sekolah di era serba digital ini.

Network Topology

We prioritize the principle of Redundancy in designing and building our network. For this reason, we have more than one upstream for international links, direct peering with IIX, OIXP, ISP Peering, and Local Content.


We also implement Dual Backbone for the internal network to all of our BTS. Thus, uptime for our customers can be guaranteed with an SLA (Service Level Agreement) of up to 99%.


All of our infrastructure is also equipped with backup power resources to ensure that our services continue to run smoothly when the main power supply encounters issues.


dan Sertifikasi

Secured Tier 4 Data Center

Tier 2 Mini Data Center & BTS

10G & 40G Ports Available

Available in Fiberoptic / Wireless


Company Achievements

Coverage Cities

Coverage Industrial Estates

Completed ICT Projects

Satisfied Clients

Amazing Clients & Partners

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Umi Kalsum
Umi Kalsum


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Ryan Aditya
Ryan Aditya


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