Learning about ISP’s Function and How It Works

Learning about ISP’s Function and How It Works

If you have installed a WiFi internet network at work or at home, you are probably familiar with the term ISP or Internet Service Provider. It’s basically referring to the company or service provider that can offer internet access to their clients or users. if you want to learn more about the function of Internet Service Provider (and how it...
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What Does IoT Mean and What Function Does It Have

What Does IoT Mean and What Function Does It Have

The internet has a very crucial role in helping modern men do their activities. That’s why we have a new term today: the IoT. It’s the short for Internet of Things. The existence of IoT in this digital transformation era is highly required by businesses, especially businesses in different industrial sectors. So, what are Internet of Things of Things facts...
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What is 5G Technology? What Are the Benefits and Advantages over Its Predecessor?

What is 5G Technology? What Are the Benefits and Advantages over Its Predecessor?

Recently, 5g technology has become a hot topic of discussion among Indonesian people. Many are looking forward to the implementation of 5g, not a few are also guessing what exactly 5g technology is, or how it differs from its predecessors (4g, 3g, 2g, and 1g). So what exactly is 5g technology like? Why should you use 5g? What are the...
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Internet of Things (IoT) is a programming concept for hardware where an object (device or machine) is programmed to have the ability to perform data transmission over the internet network without direct human control. IoT is a bundling of enhanced devices that support routine human activities with their capabilities and functions such as sensors, object measurement/calculation ability, and data transmission. In addition to collecting data, the internet network on each...
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Find Out the Difference in Services from Co-location, Vps, and Shared Web Hosting

Find Out the Difference in Services from Co-location, Vps, and Shared Web Hosting

The internet has now become an inseparable part of daily life. Through the internet, we can do various things, such as knowing a news story, conducting transaction activities such as selling an item or buying an item, carrying out productivity activities such as writing, designing, and meeting entertainment needs such as watching a film. The internet is a medium for...
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How to Calculate The SLA of an Internet Service?

How to Calculate The SLA of an Internet Service?

This article contains a guideline to calculate the SLA (Service Level Agreement) or Service Quality Assurance from an internet service. Since the SLA is one factor that is generally considered before someone chooses an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to fulfill their needs. Read Also: Practical Tips Choosing Your ISP / Internet Service Provider So what is SLA? SLA is the...
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Benefits of Using IP Phone or VoIP Technology That You Should Know

Benefits of Using IP Phone or VoIP Technology That You Should Know

VoIP technology is one of the latest technology development results. This technology is getting everything easy in communication. To help you in using this technology for communication, you can read the following explanation. The Definition of VoIP Technology VoIP technology is the latest modern communication technology. VoIP is a Voice Over Internet Protocol often called to be IP telephony or...
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Understanding The Importance of A High-speed Internet Connection

Understanding The Importance of A High-speed Internet Connection

Each modern business needs a powerful internet connection to be effectively communicated with clients, customers, and employees. This is a key day to day to run most of the apps or software which has been used and decide how good you are when delivering your services. The connectivity is also important since the mentality is always active to take over...
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Important Aspects of Information Technology That are Maintained and Their Functions

Important Aspects of Information Technology That are Maintained and Their Functions

From day to day, competition in the business world is also getting tougher. Companies are competing to produce the best products along with a good management system. This will be achieved if supported by a system and network of good corporate information technology. However, a good technology system is not enough. To be able to run optimally, this system has...
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Know The Difference Between Dedicated and Broadband internet.

Know The Difference Between Dedicated and Broadband internet.

Currently, most businesses are highly dependent on an internet connection to access several apps such as VOIP conference, cloud, VPN, file sharing, emails and so on. Having a reliable internet is very important for great performance and the business community. If you are launching or growing up your small business, you may not realize that the main differences between broadband...
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Designing Office Network Infrastructure

Designing Office Network Infrastructure

Following the technology development as of today that always moving forward, these days Information Technology's role is becoming more crucial as one of many supporting roles inside an organization. In every company or any business field will be needing Information Technology's role in order to operate well and smoothly. Some offices for example, it will be very annoying and obstructing...
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Practical Tips Choosing Your ISP / Internet Service Provider

Practical Tips Choosing Your ISP / Internet Service Provider

In today's world there's no denying that Internet is already become a primary need in our daily lives. It's kind of hard to imagine living without internet in today's world. Safe to say that it's true, we can observe it from every simple things all around us. From mothers looking for a recipe, school students searching for articles for their...
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Fiber Optic, Wireless or VSAT? Which one do you think will fit to your needs?

Fiber Optic, Wireless or VSAT? Which one do you think will fit to your needs?

Continuing the previous discussion on how to choose the right internet service provider / ISP for your needs, now let's discuss the media that are generally used in Indonesia today to deliver internet connections to the customer side. Of course, each media has its own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses that can be tailored to meet the needs of each customer....
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What Is Clean Pipe Internet?

What Is Clean Pipe Internet?

For those of us who don't have a background in the IT world or even those who have a background in the IT world, maybe there are still many of us doesn't know what a CLEAN PIPE INTERNET services is. A service which is currently starting to be provided by several internet service providers / ISPs including Cyberplus. Generally, an...
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